Jane wrote:
>Yippee!  It's arrived!  Thanks ever so much Tamara.  I have wanted this
>stamp ever since I have known of its existence.  The decision now is whether
>to put it in my stamp album or with all my lace memorabilia.  I'll decide
>once I have shown it to everyone. :-)  

I keep all my lace stamps separately from the rest of my collection, and with my
lace patterns folders. Why lose them amongst all the other non-lace ones?
I display them on Hagner sheets, double sided, and I slide the Hagner sheet 
into one
of those transparent plastic sleeves with multiple holes on the side. Those 
are then clipped into my folder.
If I demonstrate somewhere, or want to show my lace stamps to anyone, I know I 
get them out and on show while keeping them protected.If I'm really conceerned 
their safety, I can even seal the top of the transparent sleeve with sticky 
tape. I
can always cut it off and transfer the Hagner sheets to another sleeve later on.

Yours in lace,

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne who is too busy to write much at present (but
stamps are worth a note :-))

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