Dear David,

My best wishes go to you and to Barbara Doll. I have cats and can
sympathise with what your going through. They are very very precious to
me. (my children) I am glad that she will go on to catch more mice and
birds...Amazingly animals seem to get on quite well after an amputation.
I am glad she survived her encounter with your Tobacco man's vehicle. I
lost a kitty to our coalman as a child, in exactly the same way. She was
not so lucky...she died in my arms.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of David in Ballarat
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:18 AM
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; angela; Vivienne sobek; Kaye Aldenhoven;
chris; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Raie
Subject: [lace-chat] A Difficult Day

Dear Friends,
Today started out bright and breezy as I was expecting 2 friends of 
50 years up from Melbourne for the day.

However, at about midday, just prior to their arrival my tobacco man 
accidently ran over my dear cat Barbara Doll. At least he stopped and 
came back in to tell me. She had shot off under the house which is 
about 12" high at the front and there was I all clean and showered 
worming my way through 125 years of dust, broken bricks etc. to try 
to get to her.

As I got near, she walked out the other side. I could see that her 
right back leg was shattered, but I could not get near her. It was 
pathetic watching her trying to climb a tree.

Eventually my friends arrived and we caught her and got her to the 
Vet. After many x-rays and examinations it seems she was extremely 
lucky - the hip is OK. It's mainly around the ankle area which is all 
dislocated and smashed. The orthopod is to check the x-rays in the 
morning, but it looks as though we are facing amputation tomorrow

I offered to invent a prosthesis, but there are too many problems 
with fur etc. They said she'll cope really well and it's far easier 
for a cat to lose a back leg than a front one which they use so much 
for grooming, digging holes etc.

David in Ballarat

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