I am always having something take legs so to speak and then suddenly appear
out of the blue in the same place I originally checked for it and couldn't
find it. VERY old house so "yeah" could be the ghosts of my grandparents,
great grandparents or even my mum...maybe just to let me know they are
paying attention?

Always found it rather odd since when it is FOUND it is blatantly obvious
and you could never have accidently "missed" seeing it the first time. My
son says "gremlins"

I sort of like your husband's version...that is very likely...I love physics
and I would say it sort of popped into another dimension then back again.
There are theories out there by some very learned physics professors that it
could very well be...in fact "we" may be popping in and out of this Universe
off and on too. Sure would explain a few things.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sue Duckles" <s...@duckles.co.uk>

Afternoon all

Now does anyone have any idea what the Borrowers were using my pricking card
and blue film for?? ......
My DH says that it 'just popped out of existence' yesterday.... think he's
been watching too much sci-fi.... I much prefer the puzzle of what the
borrowers were using it for....

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