On Friday, Aug 15, 2003, at 07:28 US/Eastern, Ann-Marie Lördal wrote:

Thank you everyone who has told me about Bloemwork. From the pictures it
looks like honiton but a thicker thread.

Much thicker thread :) And it's more similiar to Duchesse, really (but in thicker thread) than to Honiton

I might take the class if I feel up to sitting making lace for 7 hours two days in a row. It is quite a strain for the shoulders. I know I don´t have to work that much even if the class is that long but when I start I get rather carried away:-)). And if you
travel for four hours single trip and pay both hotel and food and bus I want
to get all I can out of it :-))

I do too; the class I just came back from might have been cheap in itself but, by the time all the "extras" (hotel, food, transport) were added, it was one expensive proposition, even before I made a step into sales room <g>

Every couple of hours or so, take a break. Take a tour around the room, and look at everyone else's progress. Go to the bathroom. Rotate your shoulders and your hips, make a few bends (in the class if you're not shy, in the bathroom if you are <g>). You'll be surprised how re-vitalising even a 3-5 minute break can be; it'll keep you going for another 90-120 minutes, without taking away much from your learning experience. It's also good as a *mental* break; just as your body can "freeze" in one position, so can your eyes and point of view. A change, even a short one, will often let you "un-knot" a problem that seemed impossible before...

Go for it! :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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