Good morning Jean,

I have actually reduced the size by about 50 percent so that I can use more
delicate thread.  That of course has added to the distortion and problem of
getting it to be a circle of any size.

The first pillow I bought was one I found at a school market sale in
Brussels. It came with dozens of bobbins, pins, threads, and patterns for
about 80 US dollars. It had the tattered remains of "lesson one" still on
it. I think had they started with a smaller pillow they may have stuck with
it longer. It is enormous-  72 cms, 28 1/2 inches.  It is nice to put a
whole pattern on it and not have to move it. However, it is just so big and
heavy that I usually choose another block type pillow.


-----Original Message-----
Jean Barrett
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 9:58 AM
To: watson
Subject: Re: [lace] Kortelahti Pattern- how can I get it to lay flat?

Good morning,
I am not sure which this pattern is, but some of Eeva Liisa's patterns 
can be quite big when you make the pricking into a complete circle. 
Will it fit your pillow? Without coming to within a couple of inches of 
the edge that is? It might make more comfortable working to just make a 
couple of copies of the pricking and settle for moving your bobbins up 
the pricking  a couple of times. It takes a bit of time and care but 
set against a possible difficult and cramped working angle it could be 
the lesser if two evils.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On Sunday, November 16, 2003, at 10:16 AM, watson wrote:

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