One of the reasons which made me decide to retire from full-time teaching in
a secondary school was the amount of paperwork which was being piled on us -
and that was in 1995. I also did adult education tutoring, but there was
little paperwork involved in that then. Apart from becoming out of touch
with teenagers, it was just one more regulation and piece of paperwork being
piled on top of what had already gone on before that persuaded me that I was
getting too old mentally to cope with any more
changes. I thought it more important to keep up with developments in the
subject I was teaching than spend the time sorting out that latest pece of
administrative paperwork. It got to the point that so many teachers were
taking early
retirement that the procedure for taking pensions at 50+ was stopped -
fortunately after I'd got mine.

Before that I never understood why teachers retired early saying "I've had
enough." I can now, and it would be such a shame if adult tutors were lost
for the same reason.

I had intended to do adult tutoring after retirement, but I could see the
way it was going. A certain amount of paperwork is necessary for academic
qualifications, but the lacemakers in the class I attend just want to make
lace at their own pace and for their own enjoyment.

Jean in Poole

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