Hi Everyone,

I have not been following this thread (have been working heaps lately) but I would like to make one observation. I agree wholeheartedly with citing when a pattern is an adaptation. Rosemary also agrees with this. I know that Rosemary has been teaching Fantasy Flowers since the late 1980s. I am not sure when Jana designed hers. I think it is a case of the idea is so simple yet adaptable and effective that many people are likely to come up with the same 'original' idea. Just a point to ponder.

I also didn't know that Rosemary now has a web site. I will have to have a look at it.

Vickie Whan,
Bendigo, Australia

Karolina Jeffers wrote:

Hello Noelene and all,

I had a look at Rosemary's web site and her new book.  The flowers remind me
of Jana Novak's book "Fri Knipling" particularly the "Five petals"  and
"Hearflower"  - these are not even adaptations. Rosemary's other flowers
closely resemble Jana Novak's flowers and I would say are adaptations. We
had a great debate what an adaptation is and came up with a guideline for
lacemakers - in bobbin lace an acceptable adaptation requires a
"significant" alteration to the design. Whilst many people respect the
original designers sadly some people don't.  I think that we have to be fair
to people who come up with great ideas originally. If we wish to change or
adapt the pattern we should acknowledge the original designer ie - adapted
by .......from the original design by ........
Rosemary does the "Fantasy Flowers" workshops. I attended one and was
surprised than how closely the flowers resembled Jana's flowers. I do not
know if Rosemary has permission from Jana to use her flowers for teaching
purposes but publishing a book is another story.
I do not like to spoil the excitement but we need to support the original
designers so they keep keeping on and produce more great patterns for us to

Karolina Jeffers
Three times Proficiency qualified teacher

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