I am moving this back from chat to lace because I think it is taking a lace  
related turn.
In a message dated 12/23/2004 2:31:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,  

I've sat  many times,
watching workers on their way to and from the office, walking  around the
city, and thought how dreary they all  looked!

I consider the adoption of totally black attire by the office workers of  New 
York, and apparently Sydney, to be highly advantageous to our campaign to  
establish modern hand made lace as the fashion accessory of the rich and  
sophisticated. It was exactly in this fashion setting that the Flemish bobbin  
developed and flourished.
In the Chapter entitled The Triumph of Bobbin Lace, c. 1620-c.1675, Santina  
Levey observes:
At the same time, the elaborately patterned velvets and embroideries of the  
sixteenth century were replaced by plain or subtly-patterned silks in dark or  
strong colours and these provided an admirable contrast to lace which was now 
 displayed lying flat against them.
Although the mall traffic is horendous, I have none the less braved the  
throngs of holiday shoppers to take advantage of a Talbots sale. I am now  
equipped with three pairs of plain stretchy black pants and several black 
necks and a few black jewel neck tops. They are all washable. I am ready to  
perform as a living billboard for modern lace. Although my appearances at La  
au Folles and PDQ Bach are already sponsored, I am still looking for  support 
for my pre-theatre dinners at Cente Lire, a fashionable eatery near the  Met 
and Ruby Foo's a posh Asian Fusian restaurant in Times Square. I  am also 
considering adding a Boxing Day concert at the Cathedral of St. John the  
to my appearences if there is sufficient interest.
PS I think that the adoption of entirely black attire is also related to a  
belief that it is very "slimming". Another technique for "slimming" through  
fashion is to attract attention to the non-fat areas like the neck with  
elaborate neck decoration. Perhaps it would be wise to drop the observation 
modern lace around the neck of totally black attire performs a double slimming  
function whenever speaking to someone who seems vulnerable to such  

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