Here we have a sentence which says: "before answering, count to ten". And I
think it is a very wise sentence. Counting to ten makes you reconsider what
you are going to answer, because it may make you re-interpret what has been
said to you or just gives you time to chose the correct words. This is even
easier to do when answering e-mails. When writing an e-mail, there are many
possibilities of being misunderstood, because the one who reads doesn't see
the face of the one who writes when he/she is making a joke, or because the
one who writes is a non English speaking person and doesn't express
him/herself correctly, or just because he/she is not a very perfect
writer... So please, let's all Count to Ten before answering and let's
continue with the good colleague spirit of Arachne.

Greetings from Antje, in Guadalajara, Spain

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