Brenda's is my favorite, but there is another excellent one--by another 
Arachnean, I believe.  Of course, my brain can't conjure her name--
Walters?  Walker?  Anyway the book is something like "Thread and 
Pricking".  She uses a different system for measuring the threads than 
does Brenda and is organized differently.  I like both books.  
Sometimes I have trouble finding something in one and can find it in 
the other.

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA
(formerly  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

----- Original Message -----
From: Tamara P Duvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Which is why Brenda Paternoster is compiling a 
> *mammoth* compendium of threads - some  no longer available, some 
> coming onto the market - as a "compass". Her brand-new 3rd Edition (I 
> found it! I found it! her books keep migrating all over the house and 
> are never where I expect them to be <g>) has 1150 different ones and, 
> apparently an Addendum to *that* is already being built on her 
> website... :) Check it out:

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