Oh!, Thank you Treena for that wonderful fan site. What a splendid work of art. It really is 'thinking outside the box' as far as construction and design are concerned and all the better for it. Not for everyone perhaps but wonderful that someone can work like this. Happy new year to All Spiders, and may you achieve at least some of your resolutions. Mine is to try and 'unclutter' myself from all the piles of 'it might come in one day' junk of cuttings, postcards, pictures, fabrics etc I seem to have collected. I've made a start. The end is not in sight!
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On 1 Jan 2006, at 04:23, James and Trenna Ruffner wrote:

While "surfing"  I found this lovely contemporary tatted fan that I
think all lacemakers will appreciate especially the tatters among us. A lovely use of an old technique in a modern mode. And what a privilege to work with another artist/craftsperson. Too bad the picture of the final
product isn't clear enough to see the detail.  Trenna, Michigan

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