Hello All, I am a little behind in reading my lace news so this is probably at the tail end of the discussion of 'sGravenmoer lace. On the weekend of Feb 17 - 19th, the Lacy Ladies of Arizona hosted a workshop with Susan Wenzel (Lacy Susan) teaching 'sGravenmoer. There were 10 ladies who took the workshop. We had it at my house which is on the very far west side of the valley. Lacemakers converged from all over the valley and one even came from Flagstaff. She had a long drive up the mountain Sunday evening! Everyone felt the workshop was very successful and we all agree Susan is a wonderful teacher. I don't know the technique of the half stitch well enough to quote how to do it right off the top of my head but I have finished my bookmark that we started in the workshop and it is beginning to come together in my head just how it is done. I think it is quite interesting how the pin is not closed until the next row worked and then it is not closed in the manner we have been taught. It takes a bit of looking at your lace while you are working it to begin to recognize how the threads lay on your pillow. I am fixing to wind some bobbins with colored thread (my first bookmark was in white and gold GoldRush) and try a new pattern. If any of your local guilds are thinking of having a workshop in s'Gravenmoer, do keep Lacy Susan in mind.
Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Arizona, USA where we had a few sprinkles yesterday. Perhaps we have broken our no rain spell. We have gone since October 18, 2005 since we had measurable precipitation at Sky Harbor airport. That's where the official weather is sampled for the valley.
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