What a surprise.  I actually won a raffle on Arachne.  Now I guess I will have 
to think of something I can raffle in the future.  I am having a great lace 
week.  Thank you Jacqui for offering the raffle and I am glad I managed to read 
the digest just before the deadline.  That is one of the downsides of getting 
the digest instead of the reflected emails, but this time it worked out well.  
I have privately sent my address and thanks to Jacqui.
  From: Jacqui Southworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [lace] Honiton tea towel raffle

Hi spiders - I received over 80 entries for the raffle from far and 
wide, and I've just got my obliging dh to draw out the names. The first 
name out,
by a strange coincidence, was the last name added:
Janice Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Janice you win the tea-towel - I 
guess you must be on a winning streak at the moment.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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