Well, I can tell you right now from just perusing the books I have, that
nothing says the books can not be resold. What the craft books say is
that you can't reproduce the "contents" or store the "contents" or send
the "contents" of the book by any means electronic, mechanical or
manually with out the permission of the copyright holder. Ie...you can't
quote the book word for word or take the patterns for your own "profit".
They don't generally worry about private people copying things for their
own personal use, and would never bother to go after you for that. I
know they wouldn't care if you sold the books to students to have them
use it as a text for craft classes but they would object if you copied
the book on a printer and used or sold the copies as required materials
in a class. I have seen classes where instructions were copied and I
suspect they didn't write for permission...I think that is a widespread
issue these days but it is hard to catch unless it is done on a "large"


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:27 AM
To: Jean Nathan
Cc: lace@arachne.com
Subject: Re: [lace] Pattern copyright

> Most books carry a notice on the copyright page saying that the book
> be resold, but in most cases it wouldn't be practical or financially
> the author or publisher taking legal action to stop a secondhand copy
> sold

Wow, that's hard to believe.  If this is so, then all second-hand book 
stores are illegal.  While it wouldn't be financially feasible for one 
author to go after one seller of one copy of his/her book, a class 
action suit by all authors against all used-book stores would surely be 
worth pursuing!

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA
(formerly  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

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