I was referring to splitting the whole skein for use in bobbin lace.  If I ever 
do embroidery again, I would do what Dora is suggesting, and cut the length I 

Dora Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Not quite following; does there have to 
be one proper way to separate 
embroidery floss?

To be honest, I always cut it first, then separate it - far easier that way. 
You have to hold it up so that it can unwind as it pulls apart.   If you 
just yank on it you end up with a bunched tangle halfway through.

Besides, what if you separate the whole skein, and then find out that the 
number of strands you need per stitch changes?

Dora Smith
Austin, TX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Janice Blair" 
To: "lace" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:55 PM
Subject: [lace] separating embroidery thread

>I was taught to separate six stranded embroidery thread the following way:
> Unwind the skein along the floor, or down a staircase, or in my case, hang 
> it over the second floor balcony in my family room.  Hold one end of the 
> skein loosely in the palm of your hand  with the ends between your thumb 
> and first finger.  Take one single thread end and pull on it.  You can 
> wind this onto a card.  The other threads tend to bunch up under your 
> closed hand and occasionally you will need to straighten it out.  Once you 
> have done one thread you can continue to do as many as you need for your 
> purposes.
> Janice

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check convention news here for daily 
teacher/class info updates!!

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