I'm nowhere near organised enough to catalogue all the threads I have! I did once make a start on listing which colours I had of some of the more used threads (Venne Colcoton, Moravia Linen etc)

My threads are stored in a variety of boxes, card, plastic and metal, depending on what was around each time I've needed another box. I separate into fibre type and by thickness; ie any brand of Pearl 12 together with DMC flower thread, all sorts of fine rayon threads, a tin of fine glitter threads and another for the thicker chained glitters. There's a box of assorted white cotton and another of assorted white/ecru linen plus separate boxes for anything I've got lots of, and a box for the cones of novelty thread from Bart & Francis. I also have a big box full of assorted sewing machine threads which I dip into for lace as well - and a blanket box full of assorted knitting yarns.

For the lace I choose to make colour is more important than getting the *exact* size, though of course it has to be about right for the scale of the pricking. I'm happy to mix fibre types, cotton end linen, or cotton and rayon as they are all cellulose, though I don't generally mix anything with silk other than perhaps a glitter for accent.

I did once start on an Excel file of all my books, lace and other, but got three shelves done and still have eighteen to do.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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