I looked at someone's webstore the other day (don't remember the name) and was amazed to see bookmarks for sale for $10.00 and handmade scarfs with what they say is expensive yarn also for either $10 (shorter) and $15 (longer). I'm sorry to say that I find that this undervalue's our work. It must take a while to knit the scarves - ok they aren't very wide but they are 40+ inches or 70+ inches long, and if the yarn is expensive that doesn't leave much in their for the time spent. The same with the lace bookmarks. Supplies virtually $0 but time and expertise $10 for the whole thing.

Sorry - this might spark some bad feelings somewhere - don't mean to upset folks, but I feel that this doesn't represent the time and effort put into these items, and is not a realistic price for hand-made items. Have you tried getting a plumber to your house $45-$50 for them just to turn up before they even start work or a mechanic to work on your car??

Malvary in Ottawa, Canada
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