In a message dated 4/8/2009 2:09:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Did you  put
a high price on the piece if the pieces were for  sale?
I put a price of $350 on it. I wasn't particularly interested in selling it
because I thought I might enter it in the employee art show at the Museum, if
we  have one this year. On the other hand, if someone wanted to pay $350 for
it, I  figured I could make something else. I looked at some of the other
pieces. Many  were not for sale. The highest price that I saw was $950 for an
work  composed of intricately manipulated fabric by an artist who sells her
work and  has written books about fabric manipulation.

I wonder  if there is some way of "welding" the piece into a permanent  knot.
This is somewhat hard, in that the wire is pretty flexible and I  don't  have
metal working skills. Definitely a design flaw that should be  considered in
future efforts. However, part of its charm is that it can assume  different
positions. Another problem is that whenever you really attach it  together,
lose the transparency and it begins to look like a muddle of  wire.

also noticed that both ends looked good.  How did you manage  to hide the
ending so well?
I worked around the bottom with the silver wire making a picot, and ended  in
the hole one spot upward from the end point. Because it was wire, you could
clip it rather close. Then, when I photographed it, I turned the side with
the little wire ends away from the camera. The pieces are accepted entirely
the basis of the photograph, so making the photograph look good is the most
important thing, although the piece could be rejected if it really didn't look
like the photograph. That is one thing that I really learned from this. The
photography is very important in entering art. If the piece is beautiful, but
the photograph doesn't do it justice, it is a big problem. The piece is in
silver and gold, and actually shines a great deal more in real life, than I
think you can tell from the picture. But it was really very difficult to


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