Hello All!  If you found the arachne archives for afficot, you passed the 
Google results for several French sites that give a short explanation.  Just 
click on the translate button.  There are several references to Picardy & 
Patois Normand indicating that the afficot is used to hook, fix or fasten, as 
in "a small turned & perforated boxwood instrument in which one supports or 
'fixes' one of a pair of knitting needles."  That sort of makes sense.  Does 
anyone want to bet that an item fitting this description will turn up on 
EBay??!  As to saving files, after my computer crashed this summer & I lost all 
kinds of files, I invested in--less than $20--a flash drive.  I used to keep my 
files on my hard drive because I didn't like the idea of burning a CD all the 
time.  The flash drive has all the attributes of the old "floppy" 
technology--portability, plus adding & deleting files & 2gig seems like a nice 
round number.  I just put it in my pocket when I visit friends so they can dow
 nload any files they'd like & I can do the same.  Hope this helps some other 
low tech lacemakers out there!  Sincerely, Susan

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