I think that the individual sections are what is usual for Chinese BL, it's 
just not usual to find a piece that big.
It would make a lovely table cloth, especially if the price remains low!


> I would say that it is handmade bobbin lace.  It looks like it was made
> in sections and then sewn together.  Some of the sewing threads have
> loosened.  It's not the normal pattern for Chinese lace.  I'm guessing it
> was made in Europe.
> This is all guessing...but it may have been made by a group of people
> during one of the attempts to reinstate bobbin lace as a commercial
> entity.
> It's surely worth more than the starting price.  The seller is probably
> hoping the price will go up with bidding.  And the seller could be
> someone who inherited the bedspread and just wants to dispose of it. 
> There would probably have been more information in the description if the
> seller knew much about lace.

Brenda in Allhallows

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