Susan wrote:

<Let's say that BBC is showing a program on the V&A or whatever, it sure would be nice to hear about it so we could tune in. >

BBC iPlayer (the computer catch up service) doesn't allow access from outside the UK due to copyright reasons. Even if it buys in programmes from abroad, they only buy the rights to show them in the UK. Programmes are only available in the UK via iPlayer for a month after broadcast, even if you download them within the UK. It's probably true of the other TV channels' catchup services as well.

IP addresses from outside the UK are blocked. Apparently it is possible to use tools which hide your IP address so that you can view programmes illegally. Details are available if you google.

The only legal way to watch TV programmes outside the UK would be if there is a TV channel in your country which shows them.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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