I am trying some new software out for the Arachne Card Exchange photos on
the website at www.brandis.com.au/arachne/2012/ that needs to be tested on
as many types of equipment as possible. It should work with all the standard
web browsers, android tablets and smart phones as well as the apple range of


I can test some but not all of these as I don't have access to the full
range of equipment. So am asking you to go to the website and try the new
photo gallery out. 


There are only 4 pictures on there at present to give you a feel of it but I
need to know if it is a good idea to go with this or default back to the
tried and true methods of past years <http://www.brandis.com.au/arachne/> . 


YOUR INPUT IS VITAL for me to be sure that the most access is available.



Jenny Brandis

Kununurra, Western Australia


www.brandis.com.au <http://www.brandis.com.au/>  

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