October 1 is the day American lacemakers are to demonstrate lacemaking. I am planning to go to the local mall, sit in the central area where there are chairs, and make lace. In the afternoon I go to my weekly knitting group, and I will be bringing my lace instead of my knitting. How are you planning to spend October 1? If you are working, how about bringing your travel pillow to work on over lunch? If the weather is as lovely as it has been, how about going to a public place, the town square, maybe the library, perhaps with permission, and make lace there. I have heard of one lace maker who made lace on street corners, downtown. I don't have any non-working lacemaker friends close by, so I am going by myself. I do have a half sheet of information, a popular manual that can be purchased on Amazon, two suppliers, the names of the local lacemaking guilds, as well as the national. Nothing fancy. I give it out to those who clearly have an interest, not to everyone.

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, where the weather for the past several weeks has been glorious. Sit outside without a jacket, little rain, sunshine or just a few clouds. Perfect outdoor lacemaking weather.
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