Dear all, 
If you don't know what bobbins to go for, buy the bobbins you love the look of. 
I was used to continental bobbins, but I loved the look of the spangled Midland 
bobbins. So I bought 10 pairs and spangled them myself. When I first used them 
I thought I made the biggest mistake, I didn't like working with them.  Now I'm 
used to both of them. 

Joke in Glasgow enjoying the Commonwealth Games

Sent from my iPhone

> On 29 Jul 2014, at 18:42, <> wrote:
> Hello All!  I'm going to take a stab at answering Jeri's question & my answer 
> is geared toward beginners.  First--consider borrowing bobbins from a 
> lacemaking friend.  Easier said than done, but you won't know unless you ask. 
>  Second--it won't matter what style bobbin you buy if you only buy a few!  
> Resist the impulse to acquire gobs of bobbins because they are less expensive 
> in bulk.  When I started, the bobbin seller said to pick the ones that felt 
> "right" in my hands.  When you are not experienced, they all feel the same!  
> It's hard to know until you've made several patterns, by which time you have 
> "used" bobbins.  It's easier to sell/give a few bobbins to your friends if 
> you find they aren't right for you after the fact.  Third--beware the 
> creative bias of fellow lacemakers or bobbin sellers.  Their favorite bobbin 
> won't necessarily be yours.  Been there, done that.  Fourth--to roll or not 
> to roll, that is the question.  My bobbin vendor emphasized rolling bobbins, 
> pro!
> bly because they work best for the type of lace she makes.  When you find a 
> favorite lace style, that may well determine one or more appropriate bobbin 
> styles.  Fifth--your lace taste/sensibilities will change over time.  Your 
> arthritis may flare up when you least expect.  Or you end up out of sync & 
> out of style where your favorite lace/favorite bobbins go the way of your 
> favorite pair of bellbottoms!  Sixth--with all due respect to Continentals, 
> Midlands or other "fancy" bobbins create the biggest stir at a lace demo 
> event.  They are like magnets in a crowd!  Consider owning a few as an 
> investment in advertising your art on your demo pillow.  May I also add that 
> I am grateful to Clay for hosting a Garage Sale table at Lace At Sweet Briar. 
>  It has given me a chance to divest myself of bobbins & other lacemaking 
> equipment that I will never use again at a fair price.  Hope this helps 
> anyone with bobbin procurement issues!  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Erie, PA USA
> -
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