Hello Miriam and Arachne, Miriam and I have been around on Arachne a long
time.   I have been a very big fan of Arachne for a decade or more.  I
didn't realize that it had faded to relative obscurity because it was such a
slow, progressive decline.  I love having messages delivered to me in my
email mailbox.  So it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I realized that
I wasn't getting much from Arachne or my other tatting listserve.  Someone
told me, "listserves are dead".  And from what I can see, they are basically
right.  It was with much drama that I went searching for 'where have all the
tatters gone'.  I work full-time and when I'm not at work, I spend my time
tatting and authoring/publishing tatting books.  I just don't have the time
to go from blog to blog for information.  I found out about a site called
InTatters.  This site too does not suit my time contraints....I just don't
have the time/patience to go to the site and then try to find pertinant info
(to me) while wading through all the 'I think it's beautifull too'
comments.  Thus it was will heavy heart I waded into the FaceBook world. 
Other than the fact that my work has FB blocked on all work computers, I have
found it less annoying than what I thought I would.  I bought a tiny
computer that I can haul with me to work (Asus Transformer---love it!) and use
to log onto the wireless network and read/post to FB.  I seems to meet my
needs in that messages come to me....instead of me having to go find them. 
So far I'm on a couple of tatting-related groups.  FB is a whole new type
of site and has its own protocols that I am trying to understand.  The 'young
people' just seem to instinctively know how to use FB...which only makes my
fumbling with it al the more frustrating.  But despite that statement, FB
really is the way to go anymore. Any suggestions  for good FB lacemaking,
tatting, or needlelacing groups to join? I will post later about which groups
I have enjoyed. Karen BovardThe ShuttleSmithOmaha,
NEwww.TheShuttleSmith.com PS.  I just finished up and submitted 3  tatting
books for publishing/printing this weekend!!!!  More on that too at a later

     On Monday, June 29, 2015 3:29 AM, Miriam Gidron
<mgid...@netvision.net.il> wrote:

 Beth wrote

the problem with a closed facebook group is that it will exclude all
those arachne members like myself who are not on facebook and don't
intend to join ..

Hi Beth,

I was of the same opinion, never to join facebook, but I finally did and
especially for the lace makers group and I'm glad I did iot.

The pictures the ladies post , of their work, is really special. You don't
have to read everything or add to the comments. I just enjoy the beautiful
lace other people are making.

in sunny Arad, Israel

At least with the flickr page we can all see it/add photos even if we
don't have our own flickr account.

In a sunny Cheshire, NW England, so I will be gardening rather than
lacemaking today

  Clay Blackwell wrote:
  What I did see was an old post from David Collier who had suggested we
create a closed group on Facebook. I don't remember seeing this when he
posted it, but it appeals to me more and more. Any other comments? Clay

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