Hi everyone, did you realise there is only 17 more sleeps until Christmas? I
will have to write and thank the radio station who gave me this news LOL


I have just updated the offline Arachne Card Exchange website for 2016 and
am pleased to say there are only 24 scans I am waiting on. 

I know that I have not received my cards yet. so I am guessing my partners
are holding off until then (fully understand that) but if the other 8
makers/senders don't mind, please contact me so that I know where we are at.


If for whatever reason you have not managed to do your card/s please let me
know so I don't hold up the unveiling of the website. As soon as I have the
scans on hand I will finalise the website and get it online for all to



Jenny Brandis 

 <mailto:je...@brandis.com.au> E-mail Jenny

 <http://www.brandis.com.au/> Personal Website

Jenny Brandis Lace on etsy.com

 <https://www.facebook.com/groups/Lace8Users/?ref=bookmarks> Lace 8 Users

 <http://www.brandis.com.au/arachne/> Arachne Exchanges 1996-2016

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