Hi Susan

I have personally never been keen on working bobbin lace (or needle-lace
or embroidery) with "floss-type" silk, so am not a good person to say if
its useful.  Here's my two-pence worth:

I've sent you a photo of a spool of Soie Ovale (I didn't have the time
to upload it to Flickr).  I have only used it for needle lace.  It is
flattish in appearance, not a round twisted silk.  It is diabolically
hard to work in Illinois winters when the interior of houses are drier
than the Sahara - and so are one's hands.  It catches on any rough
patches of skin and "fluffs" out unattractively. So one's hands need
frequent applications of handcream - and then time spent waiting so as
not to put oil on the silk which dulls its appearances or you end up
smelling of apple vinegar on the days you are using it, as the apple
vinegar does help smooth the hands (Weird, I know).




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