Hi All,

I am always amazed at the knowledge and various collections and interests of members of arachne.

  This time I am asking if anyone has a collection of paintings (Presumably photos of!) antique lace makers.

The continentals seems to have a number of excellent paintings but my searches have found very few  paintings of English lace makers.

If this happens to be your thing can you please drop me a line and I can share  my aims for this request with you.

One other thing... (of course a bobbin thing!) I have volunteered to help a friend who has a special interest in hand carved  lace making bobbins (Excluding the Honiton variety)  and together we are looking for  hand carved bobbins that have a DATE carved in them?

We are are not looking for the oldest, just old hand carved bobbins with a date in the carving!

Can you help us please?

Brian. (Who lives in Awabakal Country)
Cooranbong. Australia

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