This developer agrees with your reasoning, and is psyched for Friday.

Also, may I suggest a slight change of practice going forward? Can you
(Evan) and the other developers (such as cvollick, zcopley, etc) push your
works to your private gitorious branches before they are complete so other
devs can see what's up, but more importantly, branch your branches and
help you finish them?

It's nice when zcopley makes a huge merge out of the blue, but it would be
nice to be able to tell he's already doing something you're thinking of
doing. :-)


> So, I'd like to move the gitorious repo so that it says "statusnet"
> instead of "laconica".
> It's possible with the current interface -- just change
> the "slug" from "laconica" to "statusnet". But that would mean that
> everyone's git:// URLs would break.
> The other possibility is cloning the repo, creating a new team
> ("+statusnet-developers"), and adding all the current devs to the new
> repo. The downside to this is that the laconica repo will still be
> around, and no amount of notification will keep adrianlang from pushing
> patches to the old repo. B-)
> My preference is the first solution, and to do it on Friday (say).
> Everyone will have to update their local git repos, and then it'll be
> over. Sound OK?
> -Evan
> --
> Evan Prodromou
> CEO, Control Yourself, Inc.
> - - +1-514-554-3826
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