          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
>  >  What icing experiences
>  > have others encountered?

For the last 2.5 years I have had leading edge tape on all of my 
forward surfaces. This year I have removed it so we will see if there 
is any difference.

I have picked up over 1.5 inches of rim ice on all of the surfaces. 
It was night time and I noticed a 20 kt speed reduction before I 
started to look around for the problem. I was at 11,500 ft. It was 
warmer below. At other times I have picked up any where from a frost 
to over an inch. At all times the only noticeable effect was a 
reduction in speed. Even a frost seemed to reduce the speed quite a 
bit. Handling remained just fine.

My biggest concern is the tail. It bothers me to think about a tail 
stall. I believe the main wings can be handled easier. Just go faster.
Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, DynaComm, Corp.
248-478-4301, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LNC2, O-320, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan
LML website:   http://www.olsusa.com/mkaye/maillist.html
LML Builders' Bookstore:   http://www.buildersbooks.com/lancair

Please send your photos and drawings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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