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First Union Securities, Inc.

I started my IFR training program this weekend.  It's pretty intense - 10
hours per day with a concentration required constantly.  My mind is numb, so
please forgive my ramblings.  10 hours training and now I'll put in about 8
in the office.  Not much fun.

Did my first flights in IMC yesterday.  Two solid hours in the clouds and
rain.  Good news and bad news.

Good news is the engine has run flawlessy (so far), and the cabin doesn't
leak ANY water!  Yeah!!

Bad news:  We had a block of airspace given to us for maneuvers.  After over
an hour in that soup, I tried to call ATC.  I had a rather high pitched
whine in response, and couldn't understand much of what ATC was saying.  I
was 50 miles out from the tower and about 5,000 AGL.  I had to turn the
volume WAY up and then I was able to just barely comprehend them over the
high pitch noise.  The signal got much clearer after a) I got closer and b)
I was out of the clouds for about 10 minutes.  Not sure which helped?  But I
did get back into the clouds from about 40 miles out until about 25 miles
out and they were loud and clear for that whole time (during my first ILS
approach, in crappy weather).

I am thinking static buildup.  Any other thoughts?  Are static wicks the
only solution?  How difficult to add to a 360 - not painted yet but in very
nice primer??  Any shops around NC that would do the install work?  Should I
just wait until I take it to a paint shop and let them deal with it? 


LML website:   http://www.olsusa.com/mkaye/maillist.html
LML Builders' Bookstore:   http://www.buildersbooks.com/lancair

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