
In the current implementation the number of possible suggestions grows
exponentially with the replacement pairs, which is not a good thing...
For "Milkowski" you get 6144 possible suggestions in American English. I
fixed a limit of 7 possible simultaneous replacements in a word, which (if
the replacements are one to two) gives you 2^7=128 possible suggestions.
But in the case of "Milkowski" in American English, almost all letters have
3 o 4 possible replacements (which I didn't forsee), so the limit is about

What we can do?
1. Limit the number of replacement pairs. Avoid specially one letter
replacements. Add in more "context".
2. Limit the number of possible replacements in a single word. This will
make the search less exhaustive.
3. Change the approach. We should try again to traverse directly the
dictionary with the replacement pairs. But the implementation is difficult.
I tried some time ago, and got some results. But there were details
difficult to solve, and I gave up. Perhaps Marcin or Dawid Weiss can
provide some insight...

Jaume Ortolà

2013/12/31 Daniel Naber <daniel.na...@languagetool.org>

> Hi,
> a large amount of pairs for 'fsa.dict.speller.replacement-pairs' (in the
> *.info file) makes creating suggestions very slow. You can reproduce
> that if your text contains only the word "Milkowski" and you check it
> with en-US (sorry your name is triggering a bug, Marcin :-). It takes
> several seconds to finish, while it's fast with en-GB, which has less
> replacement pairs.
> I guess it's so slow that we're back to hunspell performance, which we
> originally tried to avoid when switching to Morfologik. Is this a bug?
> Any better idea than just trimming down the number of replacement pairs?
> Regards
>   Daniel
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