On 17.12.2015, at 17:17, Daniel Naber <daniel.na...@languagetool.org> wrote:
> On 2015-12-16 23:33, Richard Eckart de Castilho wrote:
>> Personally, I like the method where I can pass a language code as a 
>> String
>> and get back the proper language:
>>  Languages.getLanguageForShortName(langCode)
>> Wouldn't it be reasonable to discourage directly constructing languages
>> in favor of using a central factory class like Languages?
> Maybe... but it doesn't solve this very problem, as users then call 
> getLanguageForShortName("de") and also wonder why they don't get spell 
> checking. They need to call getLanguageForShortName("de-DE") for that.

You know what... now I understand why one guy trying to use the 
LT spell checker in DKPro Core reported problem in getting spelling


We use the two-letter codes everywhere!

How about doing a built-in default mapping for the two-letter codes to, e.g.
"de" -> "de-DE", "pt" -> "pt-PT" (I can already see Brazilians to argue for
"pt-BR" ;) ) etc?


-- Richard

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