
Sadly, my math is weak but I will give it a try. Just make sure to
re-check :)

On Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 11:29:05AM +0200, Daniel Naber wrote:
> we're using a bit probability theory to calculate ngram probabilities. 
> This way we can decide which word of a homophone pair like there/their 
> is (probably) correct. Is anybody here familiar with probability theory 
> and could review that code? The main part is here:
> https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool/blob/master/languagetool-core/src/main/java/org/languagetool/languagemodel/BaseLanguageModel.java#L41

(I updated the link since this mail is late...)

Below is the relevant function in its full form.

> + Probability getPseudoProbability(List<String> context) {
> +     int maxCoverage = 0;
> +     int coverage = 0;
> +     long firstWordCount = lm.getCount(context.get(0));
> +     maxCoverage++;

Off topic: This variable could be initalized to 1 directly on the first line of
the function.

> +     if (firstWordCount > 0) {
> +       coverage++;
> +     }
> +     // chain rule:

The chain rule is

P(A,B,C,...) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A, B) * ...

So the line below would be P(A)

> +     double p = (double) (firstWordCount + 1) / (totalTokenCount + 1);

which looks okay but (assuming you are going for Laplace-Add-one
smoothing) you would have to not add + 1 to "totalTokenCount" but the
vocabulary size for the n-gram model (== all unique n-grams which for
unigrams would mean all unique "syntactic words").

Another smoothing approach *may* work better.

> +     debug("    P for %s: %.20f (%d)\n", context.get(0), p, firstWordCount);
> +     for (int i = 2; i <= context.size(); i++) {
> +       List<String> subList = context.subList(0, i);
> +       long phraseCount = lm.getCount(subList);
> +       double thisP = (double) (phraseCount + 1) / (firstWordCount + 1);

This would be the place the conditional probabilities within the chain
are calculated. A conditional probability can be calculated as follows.

P(B|A) = P(A,B)/P(A)

Using the conditional probability of token "is" given token "this"
as an example it would look like this.

P("is"|"this") = P("this","is")/P("this")


P("this","is") = C("this is")/C(all 2-grams)

( C() denotes the count of the argument )

so I would have expected something like

+ double thisP = (double) ((Ngramcount + 1) / (countofallNgrams +
countofalluniqueNgrams)) / (countofN-1grams + countofalluniqueN-1grams);

Please note that one would have to adjust the n-gram-dependent counts
for different ns as n gets larger.

* http://web.mit.edu/6.863/www/fall2012/readings/ngrampages.pdf
* "Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing" by Christopher D. 
Manning, Hinrich Schütze: 42f, 197, 202

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