2016-05-13 15:14 GMT+02:00 Juan Martorell <juan.martor...@gmail.com>:

> I have some examples where both can be used but can have different meaning
> and lead to confusion:
> "No lo digo sino lo hago" =/= "No lo digo si no lo hago"
> "Esto debe hacerse ahora, si no más tarde" =?= "Esto no debe hacerse
> ahora, sino más tarde"

True. But these examples are intrinsically ambiguous. You can only know the
meaning with the help of the person who utters the sentence ;-)

The sentences on the left, usually are built in other ways to make them
more understandable (I think):
- No lo digo sino que lo hago.
- Esto debe hacerse ahora, o (bien) más tarde. (?)

However the rules in Catalan will be useful for clear cases. Thank you for
> the offer.

I have committed the rules adapted for Spanish. The most interesting rule
(the first one) probably will need a much better disambiguation of
nouns/verbs to be really useful. A number of false alarms should be
expected in the tests. We can either disable the rule or improve the

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Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
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