Hi all,

I'm trying to  try to refresh the Spanish huspell dictionary following our
wiki page http://wiki.languagetool.org/hunspell-support.

No luck and I tried to figure it out from the code at

However when I run

java -cp ../../languagetool-tools.jar
org.languagetool.tools.SpellDictionaryBuilder \
  -i dict.dump \
  -info es_ES.info \
  -o es_ES.dict

I get the following:

stable 66 num is 66 flag
parsed in 22 prefixes and 67 suffixes
Running Morfologik FSACompile.main with these options: [--exit, false, -i,
/tmp/SpellDictionaryBuilder5244641332968455.txt, -o, es_ES.dict, -f, CFSA2,
Invalid argument: Unknown option: --overwrite

Usage: fsa_compile [options]
       Accept leading BOM bytes (UTF-8).
       Default: false
       Accept CR bytes in input sequences (\r).
       Default: false
    -f, --format
       Automaton serialization format.
       Default: FSA5
       Possible Values: [FSA5, CFSA2]
       Ignore empty lines in the input.
       Default: false
  * -i, --input
       The input sequences (one sequence per \n-delimited line).
  * -o, --output
       The output automaton file.
Done. The binary dictionary has been written to
[thor@arch-top lo5132]$ ls -lh es_ES.dict
-rw-r--r-- 1 thor wheel 12 Jun 10 17:12 es_ES.dict
[thor@arch-top lo5132]$

what means that no dictionary data is gathered. The dict.dump file has data
(a plain list of words). I would appreciate that someone update the wiki
and, please Daniel check your batch dictionary builder just in case.

Best regards,
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