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Hi Will,

thanks for looking my program over and if you don't read anything else:
Please mail me the modifications you made.

William D Clinger wrote:
> Marijn wrote:
>> Am I doing it wrong or is there something that is just not
>> implemented yet here?
> Larceny's benchmark-block-mode doesn't work, and hasn't for
> some time.  The incremental compiler just ignores that switch,
> but compile-file reports the error you encountered if that
> switch is turned on.  We should delete that switch until we
> fix it again.  I apologize for the time you wasted on it.

It was my pleasure and a risk I accepted when I decided to use prerelease 

> For a small program like the one you posted, you can get the
> effect of block compilation by enclosing the definitions of
> your program within a let, like this:
> (define main
>   (let ()
>     (define (SPIN+) +1)
>     ...
>     (define (main delta-t measurements)
>       ...)
>     main))
> For your program, in Larceny, that made little difference.
> Gambit is probably performing some optimizations that Larceny
> isn't.  For example, Gambit's compiler may notice that (N)
> always returns the same result; Larceny's compiler doesn't.

I was wondering about that. I recently changed all the global constants to
functions in an attempt to help the compiler recognize that these things are
just constants. In C these would be macros, in C++ constant variables, but I
don't know what the best way is to express the same thing in Scheme. I know I
can use macros to do it, but I was trying to avoid that as it is supposedly not
good to use macros just for optimization. But in the end I am trying harder to
avoid using C++ ;P

> In Larceny, you can profile your code like this:
>> (require 'Debugger/profile)
>> (profile (main 10 100))
> That profile told me your program was spending a quarter of
> its time in half-delta-E-for-flip and another quarter in expt.

All calls to expt are outside the main loop which does repeated calls to exp
which are hopefully constant folded and inlined such that (random-real) is
compared to a precomputed constant.

> Changing (N) to compute (expt (L) (D)) only once made your
> program run 20% faster.

What is the best way to do that? Macros, force/delay, some other method,
explicit set! maybe?

> I noticed some mixed-mode arithmetic, so I used fixnum-specific
> and flonum-specific operations to detect and then to eliminate
> (most of) the mixed-mode arithmetic.  I also replaced the two
> uses of the (apply + (map ... ...)) idiom with loops.  Those
> changes made your program run about 40% faster in Larceny, and
> would probably improve its performance in Gambit as well.
> After those changes, Larceny's profiler told me the program was
> spending 90% of its time in the init-sample procedure, which
> includes the time spent in random-real.  That probably means
> its performance in Larceny, following those changes, is limited
> by the speed of Larceny's implementation of random-real.

Do you really mean init-sample here? It is commented out in my code sample.
Maybe you meant init? In any case it is only run once. The only things that I
really care about are time-step which is called all the time and secondly
measure which is called at a designated interval.If those are fully optimized
the performance of longer runs and bigger samples will be acceptable.

> Will

Please mail me the modifications you made.

Thanks a lot,


- --
Gods do not want you to think, lest they lose existence.
Religions do not want you to think, lest they lose power.

Marijn Schouten (hkBst), Gentoo Lisp project, Gentoo ML
<http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-{lisp,ml} on FreeNode

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