I  get the following  error while  compiling a  library with
Larceny revision 6303 on a i686-pc-linux-gnu:

Compiling random.sls
ERROR detected by compiler:
Wrong number of arguments to known procedure 
((begin \x2e;\x0;make-integer~1aiicu~25147\x7c;958))
Error while loading src/Build/iasn-larceny-heap.fasl
larceny.heap, built on Fri Jun 26 16:17:13 CEST 2009

the same  library is loaded, compiled and  tested fine under
Ikarus, Mosh and Ypsilon.   I have been wrong multiple times
these days, whose to blame here?

  To  have a  look  at the  library  (still in  development)
source code:

1. Go here:


2. Browse the repository: scheme/src/library/random.sls

or try the following ugly URL:


The symbol "make-integer" appears 3 times in the library, in
the body of a CASE-LAMBDA:

(define (make-integer n)
  (if (and (integer? n) (exact? n) (positive? n))
      (mod (next-integer) n)
    (assertion-violation 'integers-maker
      "range upper limit must be an exact positive integer" n)))

(define (make-real)
  (* (inexact (make-integer)) const:1/2^32^2))


  (lambda (n) ; integers-maker
    (make-integer n))

Marco Maggi

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