Hello again,

 : Martin, as you can see in my last post i have route to in the
 : main routing table , so i have ping to the gateway but i can't connect
 : to inet.

OK.  So, you can ping the gateway.....can you ping the gateway from the
source IPs you want to have Internet access?

But, before we cover that, we need to back up to the "Why?" question.  You
don't explain enough for me to understand why you need the second routing
table.  In looking at your two routing tables, I don't see any reason for

 : #ip r l t main
 : dev eth0  scope link
 : The only way to connect to inet is adding:
 : ip r a default via t main
 : If i add the default gw in table main , i can connect to inet but i'd
 : like to do this in other table.

I have some questions, then:

 - Are the packets initiated from the Linux box?
 - What is the source IP on a packet which is not leaving the box in
   the manner you desire?  Can you add an "ip rule" to define the
   characteristics of this packet?
 - Are you trying to force packets to be sourced from a particular IP?
 - Are you trying to block particular packets from getting to the

 : Can you help me ?

I'll most certainly try.

 :  eth0:
 :  eth1:    (inet gateway)
 :  #ip ru l :
 :  0:      from all lookup local
 :  32765:  from lookup tabla1
 :  32766:  from all lookup main
 :  32767:  from all lookup default
 :  #ip r l t tabla1
 : dev eth0  scope link  src
 : dev lo  scope link
 :  default via dev eth0
 :  #ip r l t main
 : dev eth0  scope link

[ snipped some of my earlier ravings ]


Martin A. Brown --- SecurePipe, Inc. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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