I agree with Shane.

I also am a graduate of the school of hard knocks.

At first your question "How to build a big application with no
difficulty?" may sound like a contradiction but it is not.

I suggest you contact the closest CLA (Certified LabVIEW Architect, NO
I am not a CLA!) in your area and ask them for some assistance.

I am not suggesting that you you just contract with them to do the
work (although that would qualify as easy). Ask for them to advise on
architectures or help with the design devlopement.

The issues you mentioned are the normal result of bottom up
programming. Its sorta like inventing all of your tools for your
workshop before you decide if it is going to be a wood shop or a metal

Top down design would start with the big picture/core functionality
and then determine what are the challenges and what tools will be
required. After that an architecture is assembled that address the
requirements and challenges.

It is no shame to call on an experienced guide when doing this type of
work. You can think of devlopers as explorers charting paths to new
technological teritories. And staying with that analogy, even the
greatest of explorers in history did not hesitate to utilize the
assistace of local guides when avialable.

If you can afford a consultant, then I suggest you utilize this
exchange to help. Keep your questions brief but to the point. Supply
graphic aides when appropriate and we may be able to pull off a "group
think" to get you were you need to go.

Done rambling for now,


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