The VIs you are using are re-entrant and that means that each instance
you drop on your block diagram keeps track of its own state. So as
long as you are using one sub-VI per filter you shouldn't have any
problem. This situation is the one you describe in your question.

However if you instead place a single sub-VI inside a For-loop and
index multiple signals to that sub-VI (pass an array of signals to
your loop) that will NOT work, since there is only one sub-VI to keep
track of the multiple states.

The good news for that last case is, that the high-level VIs located
in the Analyze>>Waveform Conditioning palette are polymorphic and
include a multi-channel instance that is designed to filter an array
of signals correctly if this is what you need. In this case you don't
need the For-loop at all.

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