Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Dr. L.:

I think that Hillary Clinton is a very, very intelligent woman, and she
knows exactly what she is saying or not saying when it comes to
"knowing" something.

Reagan played the same game during Iran Contra.  I could never figure
out during that one how all the things that were going on around him
could possibly happen without him knowing what what going on.  But he
said he didn't.  :)  

I don't think she is lying anymore than Reagan was, they just aren't
telling the truth.  All of it anyway.

> Hi Sue - here's one of those paragraphs, snipped from your post, which
> could keep a bunch of people busy a bunch of years diagramming all the
> possible (or reasonably posited) states of mind depicted.  Did she
> assist? If so, did she knowingly assist? If she lied, was it a conscious
> lie or was she passing on a lie? If she concealed, etc. etc. etc.
> Here come the experts on 'putative mental states' and 'psychology of
> thought'!
> Stretching the controversy a bit? Can't help it, I was bitten by the
> *Law/&/Issues online forum bug*.  :) LDMF.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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