Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

I didn't even know that they had "private prisons" until that deal came
up in Texas where the prisoners were being beaten.

I don't think that private prisons are a good idea because there isn't
anyone to really watch over how they are run, I don't think.  Actually
the whole prison system should be revamped.  There was a story on
Nightline that ran three nights about the prison system.  One prison
that they went into seemed to be alright.  The prisoners said that they
were treated as human beings rather than animals, and that made all the
difference in the world.

> Hi Sue
> This wonderful cost-benefit solution doesn't seem to work so well.  This
> article appears to support the contention of some that there are some
> areas that for-profit organizations will cause more problems than they
> solve in the short-term.  The issues of possible abuse have been raised
> since this solution was first proposed, but saving a buck (or so it
> appeared) became the criteria for deciding the private prision was the
> way to go.  Of course, they are only inmates, so that's ok <TIC>
> jackief

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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