Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue :)

I more than understand your position, and I think in a utopian world we
would all like this, but in the real world things are much different. 

My main point is quite simply this, there are parent's that have done
everything in their power to raise good children, or what society
considers good children, but no matter what it's still the child's
choice on what they do, if you threaten to put their parent's in jail,
they really don't care. And that is my problem with this type of
enforcement, you are punishing the wrong person. The child is doing the
wrong, the child should go to jail.

I realize there are people who are parent's that in reality shouldn't
be, but I also realize the majority of people do care about their kids
and what happens to them, yet we only seem to hear about the bad kids,
mainly due to the fact that's the one every once notices. It's not that
simple to have a child declared incorrigible in all states, it's a
rather complicated and sometimes lengthy process. 

I don't see a solution in threatening a parent when it's the child who
needs the discipline not the parent. If the parent can't control the
child as happens in a lot of cases there could be other means, yes. Not
all of them good. But, in the cases your looking at what do you do if a
parent has done all they can, and raised three excellent children but
one bad one? Do you seriously punish that parent for the bad child and
not reward them due to the good children? Maybe instead of looking at
the parent as the problem, they should look at the real problem the
child who is causing all the disarray and misconduct.

To sum it up I see this type of enforcement kind of like someone who
kills another and they blame their killing on their parents for supposed
abuse or neglect they felt when they were kids. I don't buy that defense
at all, many people are abused and don't kill when they get older. Just
as many kids have a damn hard life, but they can still make it if they
want to. Put the blame where it belongs and quit trying to reflect it
off of everyone except for the one who should be blamed.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Hi Kathy:
> I'm certainly glad that you are back.  <BG>
> I couldn't agree with you more about the laws taking a lot of the
> authority out of the parents hands.  Other than protecting children from
> abuse, which definitely should be done, I think the authority to punish,
> reward, etc should be completely in the parents hands.  Unfortunately it
> isn't any more.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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