>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>Hi Ron,

>>We disagree about the death penalty but that is beside the point.  Maybe
>>the lives of American citizens abroad matter little.  But is the rule of
law >>of so little concern to you?
>Terry:  I believe it is a two-way street.  If a US citizen commits a capital
>crime in a foreign country, then he should be subject to that country's

Actually most of us do not have much concern with that.  It is of some more
concern when an American couple is of a crime of which they are innocent
because they are Americans.  You may recall the recent case of the couple
who were accused of murder in one of the wonderful tropical paradises so
that the government might reap financial rewards.  Our southern neighbor
Mexico is famous for detaining and arresting Americans for the financial

>I also don't think that a US citizen, like Pang, whose arson
>caused fire killed three firemen, should be allowed to escape the death
>penalty, just because he fled to Argentina which would not extradite him,
>unless he would not be subject to the death penalty.

Canada does the same as do many other countries.  Should we invade them?

I was somewhat more concerned with this country obeying its own laws.  It
might help make an argument when other countries imprison Americans and
ignore international law.
Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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