moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mornin' All,
   Over the weekend a major breaktrough in the cure for cancer was announced. It seems 
combination of two new drugs injected into tumors in mice was successful in eliminating
the tumors. This is a MAJOR breakthrough and the media, in all their wisdom, think that
the Web Hubbell tapes are a more important lead story. What the HELL is going on!!
Sam Donaldson said over the weekend it's the media's job to report a story and the 
can decide it's importance to them. It seems to me that the media is deciding what is 
importnt to them and their wallets than what constitutes important news. Should we 
the media to dictate what and when we should recieve news? It appears to me
that the media thinks that the investigation of the President is the only news that
deserves top billing. Something is terribly wrong here. I am of the opinion that a 
medical breakthrough such as this is a bit more important than Web's tax problems. We 
being forced feed what the media want's our diet to be and we as a people should 
reject it
and demand more than scandal as our main meal.

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