moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William J. Foristal wrote:

> HI Mac,
> Even the original story in the New York paper was basically correct in
> its reporting.  Thousands of candidate compounds are screened every year
> to evaluate potential activity against cancer cells.  99% of these are
> quickly discarded due to safety or non-efficacy reasons.  Among the few
> that pass the initial studies, a very small per cent of THOSE are
> considered as possible breakthroughs in the long battle against cancer.
> So the basic reality is that this IS a newsworthy story.  Unfortunately,
> and this has happened many times in the past, the general public creates
> a tidal wave of interest and hope that usually exceeds the reality of the
> situation.  Especially with the stock market prices of shares of the
> companies involved as well as with the unfortunate people who have cancer
> and are desperate for a cure before it is too late.  I think it is
> appropriate to direct some criticism towards the FDA and how they handle
> the approval process for these promising drugs.

I agree with that. The procees seems to move at a snails pace.

> But even the initial media coverage can not be considered a hoax, IMO.
> And even IF the initial story was misleading in its optimism, subsequent
> media coverage has put this breakthrough in proper perspective with
> respect to timing and probability of success.  It's a shame that some
> people think they have to make outrageous claims simply to appear
> knowledgable about everything.

I tried report the story as I heard it. If someone has knowledge of these drugs and 
success rate then of course I welcome any info. I, myself, never heard of them nor seen
them mentioned on list list prior to the story coming out. The fact remains that the
public was informed the advances made with these drugs although the media hyped the
story.As with any new finding's, or new to the public anyway, they should be treated 
caution but I welcome the news and do not see it as a hoax nor puffing of research.


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