Zitat von Graeme Geldenhuys <grae...@opensoft.homeip.net>:

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
That way I can simply hover the move over a method or property and
see if it is protected or public etc...

Implemented in 21283.

Hi Mattias,

I get an error in the IDE Messages window. And the tooltip doesn't have any visibility specified. I'm using Lazarus r21307 under Linux compiled with GTK2 widgetset.


See attached screenshot. I don't think you have to worry about the duplicated hints in the tooltip. The documentation is currently in fpdoc and inline format, which causes the duplicates - I'm not sure if that can be improved on. (maybe if fpdoc help exists, do not use inline comments in tooltip?).

Yes, please create a feature report.

Anyway, here is the output Lazarus gave in the command line. As far as I can see, the HTML tags seem correct. Each opening tag has a corresponding closing tag. And <BR> being the exception, which I believe is normal.



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