I did find a list of compatibility issues on OS X, but it's very, very sketchy. 
Better than nothing I suppose but only that.


I don't mean to be critical of Brian's app, but having menu bar items that 
respond to clicks as though they are buttons is rather perculiar, certainly 
non-standard even on Windows. I think the only app I've ever seen that does 
that is Dave Baldwin's TFrameViewer demo app included with his HTML components 
package, where he has an About item on the menu bar that does not have a 
submenu. Very disconcerting when you click that and it doesn't drop down.

What Dimitry means is that in some cases you need to conditional-ize your code 
to conform to expectations and style guides on the target platform. So when I 
ported Dave's package, I inserted this code to take care of the whacky About 

{$IFDEF LCLCarbon}
  AppMenu := TMenuItem.Create(Self);  //Application menu
  AppMenu.Caption := #$EF#$A3#$BF;  //Unicode Apple logo char
  MainMenu1.Items.Insert(0, AppMenu);
  MainMenu1.Items.Remove(About1);  //Remove About as separate menu
  AppMenu.Add(About1);  //Add About as item in application menu

Not only does this eliminate About as a submenu, it also moves it to the 
correct place - and only on OS X too.



From: dmitry boyarintsev [skalogryz.li...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 3:00 PM
To: Lazarus mailing list
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus Goal

I've managed to compile the program and launch it on OSX, so i guess
"Write once, compile anywhere" works.

Too bad that OSes are too different, so some cross-platform style
should be followed while writing the code.


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