Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I've been looking through the archives without being able to work out the current situation. Is it possible to disable antialiasing when using e.g. TImageList.StretchDraw() in 0.9.28?

I ended up hardcoding something as the best way of getting a guaranteed result. Noted that there are various interpolation classes but I had difficulty finding examples or documentation, and my requirement is sharp not pretty.

However, I had a considerable amount of "fun" moving image data around. The "A faster version" example at suggests that each pixel is a TRGBTriple, but I found that in my code it was 16 bits, presumably determined by the .bmp file that Lazarus originally read into a TImageList.

Where the amount of storage allocated for the image is smaller than SizeOf(TRGBTriple) per pixel, the example as given risks corrupting the heap- in the most benign case I was getting an exception during a subsequent FreeAndNil().

I'm sure that the correct way to fix this is to refer to the known palette types, but as an interim hack I've deduced the amount of storage per row using

      src:= img.GetDataLineStart(0);
      dst:= img.GetDataLineStart(1);
      bytesPerRow:= LONGINT(dst) - LONGINT(src)
      bytesPerRow:= (img.Width + 7) DIV 8 (* Extreme fallback case *)
          Move(src^, dst^, bytesPerRow)

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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